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Four mistakes in breast milk storage, don't let your baby drink spoiled milk!
Upload updates:2020-05-13 Views:169

Breast milk is a natural food for your baby to get nutrition. Conditional mothers are advised to insist on breastfeeding until the baby is naturally weaned. Mothers who ca n’t feed or mothers who need breastfeeding are advised to use scientific breast milk storage and heating methods to avoid misunderstandings before they can eat healthy and nutritious breast milk!  Bangkok Confinement Center

Misunderstanding 1: Improper milking and sucking cause secondary pollution

Before each milking, the mother needs to wash her hands. If you use a breast pump, remember to wash it. If you do not do the cleaning work well, it is easy to spread bacteria and breast milk is easily contaminated. In addition, when using a breast pump to express milk, it is best to use a breast pump with anti-backflow to avoid the impression of secondary pollution during milk pumping, which affects the quality of breast milk.

Misunderstanding 2: Breast milk is stored regardless of date

Like other foods, breast milk has a shelf life. If you do not store them separately, getting fresh breast milk will not only reduce the quality, but also affect your baby's health. In addition, do not freeze breast milk that has been melted, and discard breast milk that has not been consumed within the effective time. Therefore, it is important to mark the time after milking. Stored separately, the milk should be consumed before the milking date. Under normal circumstances, breast milk can be kept frozen for about 3 months, but if the freezing conditions are good and the switch is not frequent, it can be kept for 6 months.

Misunderstanding 3: heating breast milk with microwave oven

For convenience, some mothers take the milk storage bags or bottles out of the refrigerator and put them in the microwave to heat them. This method will destroy the nutrients in breast milk. The correct method is to use warm water or a milk warmer to heat it. The temperature should not exceed 40 degrees. Excessive temperature will affect the quality of breast milk.

Myth four: accumulate a few bottles to wash together

The baby's immunity is low. In order to prevent bacterial infections, baby bottles should be disinfected before and after use. Some mothers use several bottles every day and find it convenient and quick to sterilize them together. This method is easy to breed bacteria, it is recommended to clean the bottle immediately after use. In addition, milk bottles have a period of use, generally around six months, especially plastic milk bottles.

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