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42 days after delivery, what should I check?
Upload updates:2020-05-13 Views:180

Postpartum examination refers to the end of childbirth after a period of self-cultivation, you need to go back to the hospital for a series of necessary examinations. The time is 6-8 weeks after giving birth.

Postpartum examination is very necessary, from which the doctor can clearly grasp the recovery of the new mother after giving birth. The delivery process of some women is very smooth, but there may still be some latent sequelae lurking, which will affect the future life. These sequelae may vary, but for new mothers they are all invisible bombs, which can affect women's health.

What to check at 42 days after delivery

1. Uterine examination

After giving birth to a baby, like a flattened ball, it takes about 6 weeks to return to the state before pregnancy, so the postpartum examination is mainly to understand the situation of uterine retraction. If a woman has been having tickle flow after childbirth, then you need to go to the hospital for a B-ultrasound examination and take a look at the endometrium to determine the cause of uterine bleeding.

2. Pelvic floor inspection

Damage to the pelvic floor muscles and nerves during childbirth will not only cause inconvenience in life, but also cause troubles such as vaginal relaxation, even prolapse of vaginal wall, bladder prolapse, and uterine prolapse. If the problem of urinary incontinence occurs after delivery, women must receive treatment as soon as possible.

3. Breast examination

Do you often worry about breast swelling and breast pain Indeed, for new mothers, breasts full of milk are very delicate. Once breast health problems, not only affect the milk secretion, but also affect the baby's health. Therefore, breast examination is necessary.

4. Wound examination

Whether it's a cesarean section or a side-to-side cut, women always have to get a knife. Especially for new moms who have a cesarean section, the wound will bring abnormal compression to the digestive system in the abdominal cavity and the organs of the urogenital system, and resetting will be more difficult. Therefore, when the new mother is doing postpartum examination, the wound recovery after surgery is also the focus.

5. Blood pressure and blood sugar check

There are many reasons for the high blood sugar and blood pressure of new moms. Many new moms are caused by changes in lifestyle habits, breastfeeding day and night, poor rest, and a large amount of brown sugar intake. It will also endanger all organs and tissues throughout the body.

6. Determination of bone density

Pregnant women will lose a lot of calcium after pregnancy and breastfeeding after delivery in October. Therefore, post-partum bone density examination will promptly find bone calcium deficiency, so as to avoid osteoporosis, which will seriously affect the quality of life in the future, and also avoid the baby's calcium deficiency caused by milk calcium deficiency.

Postpartum mothers may be concerned about the following issues:

1. How long can the strap be used after delivery

For mothers who have given birth, the restraint band can be used after one week, and mothers who have a caesarean section can be used after three weeks, and it can be used for 1-2 hours a day.

2. How long is it normal to have menstruation after delivery

This varies from person to person, and the recovery time may be early or late. Under normal circumstances, menstruation will not come during breastfeeding. The early period can come after the full moon, and the later period will not recover until the baby is 1 year old.

3. How long can postpartum postpartum  Bangkok Confinement Center Price

At 6 weeks after childbirth, it is best for the mother to go to the obstetrics department for a comprehensive examination, especially for a detailed examination of the reproductive system. If there is no problem with the test results, only then can sex be resumed.

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